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Examples of Questions and Instructional Pages in Quantitative Foundations


There are one or more questions to assess each skill in Quantitative Foundations The software chooses questions based on how well the student has answered previous questions, with the objective of minimizing the total number of questions required to assess all the skills selected by the institution. Click below to see examples…

A question to assess the following skill: Simplify an expression involving division

A question to assess the skill: Calculate a number raised to a rational number power

Instructional Pages:

More than 20 instructional pages teach the available skills in Quantitative Foundations. After completing an assessment, Foundations directs the student to the specific pages that cover the skills the student was assessed as lacking. If desired, students can view pages that cover the skills they were assessed as having, or even pages covering skills not included in the assessment but still made visible by the institution. Click below to see examples.

Note: Most versions of mozilla-based browsers like Firefox will not display all the videos or rollover text correctly. If you have trouble, please open the page with Internet Explorer or Safari. When viewing a video, be sure to have your speakers turned on.

A page to teach Logarithms

A page that introduces Plotting Equations