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Available Skills for Spreadsheets Foundations (Excel 2016)

Institutions can select the skills to be included in the students’ assessment. Students are only tested on selected skills. Spreadsheets Foundations consists of one or more questions to assess each skill and instructional web pages to teach and review each skill.


  1. Open a shortcut menu by right clicking
  2. Hide rows and columns
  3. Distinguish between a worksheet and workbook
  4. Resize or maximize a workbook
  5. Distinguish closing windows and workbooks
  6. Delete and Insert worksheets
  7. Move worksheets
  8. Rename worksheets
  9. Use the buttons to the left of the worksheet tabs
  10. View parts of a worksheet by splitting into panes
  11. Zoom in or out
  12. Insert and delete rows and columns
  13. Manually resize rows and columns
  14. Use the Arrange All button
  15. Viewing different parts of the same workbook in multiple windows
  16. Freeze panes
  17. Automatically size rows and columns
  18. Use Key Tips and Access Keys
  19. Use combination keystroke shortcuts

Files and Printing:

  1. Know when to use Save As instead of Save
  2. Save to a new file name or directory
  3. Save to an older version of Excel
  4. Save as a comma-delimited file
  5. Use Open as Read-Only
  6. Password protect a file
  7. Turn on Always create a backup
  8. Print selected area
  9. Set print area
  10. Preview what the printed doc will look like
  11. Identify the spell checker button
  12. Using Page Setup
  13. Create headers and footers
  14. Print row and column headings and gridlines
  15. Print selected row and column contents on every page
  16. Move, inserting and remove page breaks
  17. View page breaks
  18. Add page counts, dates, etc to headers and footers
  19. Print comments
  20. Protect a Workbook
  21. Distinguish protecting structure and worksheet
  22. Unlock and lock cells
  23. Allow users to edit cells on a protected worksheet
  24. Set or change workbook properties
  25. Create a new blank workbook
  26. Open a previously saved workbook
  27. Use Open as Copy
  28. Turn on Autorecover
  29. Use Mark as Final
  30. Hide a formula in a cell


  1. Use the text to columns wizard
  2. Understand hash mark notation
  3. Distinguish between cut and copy
  4. Move or copy cell data
  5. Select non-contiguous ranges
  6. Select large ranges using the shift key
  7. selecting entire columns or rows
  8. Use the Find and Replace commands
  9. Use Paste Special to copy formulas, formats, values
  10. Attach comments to a cell
  11. View and hide comments
  12. Use Fill Down and Fill Right
  13. Undo one action
  14. Undo and redo several actions
  15. Enter fractions
  16. Use the Go To column and row differences
  17. Use the office clipboard
  18. Use Paste Special to transpose data
  19. Select all comments
  20. Use the Fill Handle
  21. Sort a list
  22. Sort a list using nested criteria
  23. Use Paste-Special to perform operations


  1. Format numbers, dates and times
  2. Alignment of data in cells
  3. Wrap data in cells
  4. Shrink data to fit in cells
  5. Change the font color and fill of cells
  6. Change shading and background of cells
  7. Distinguish precision in memory and displayed
  8. Interpret scientific notation
  9. Rotate text in cells
  10. Create line breaks in a cell
  11. Use the format painter
  12. Unmerge cells
  13. Center text across multiple cells
  14. Increase or decrease cell indents
  15. Add or remove cell borders


  1. Use the Autosum button
  2. Use the X and checkmark buttons in EDIT mode
  3. Use the insert function icon
  4. Open the Function Arguments dialog
  5. Use SUM()
  6. Use COUNT()
  7. Use MIN() and MAX()
  8. Know how SUM, AVERAGE, etc treat blank cells
  9. Use the Status Bar functions
  10. Use the IF function with numeric results
  11. Using strings in the IF function
  12. Interpreting nested IF functions
  13. Interpret AND, OR, NOT in the IF function
  14. Use EXP()
  15. Use SUMPRODUCT()


  1. Use the ^ operator
  2. Use the , and : operators
  3. Understand operator precedence
  4. Manually enter ranges into formulas
  5. Use relative, absolute, and mixed references
  6. Reference cells in other worksheets
  7. Reference cells in other workbooks
  8. Recognize and correct the #DIV/0! Error
  9. Recognize and correct the #VALUE! Error
  10. Recognize and correct the #NUM! Error
  11. Understand circular references
  12. Use the = operator
  13. Use the <> > < >= <= operators
  14. Use precedence arrows with a circular reference
  15. Turn automatic calculation on and off
  16. Calculate when automatic calculation is off
  17. Use the Go To to select precedents and dependents
  18. Use the Iteration setting
  19. Know that #NAME? Can be caused by formula typo
  20. Recognize and correct the #NAME? Error
  21. Reference an entire row or column
  22. Recognize and correct the #REF! error


  1. Create a chart from worksheet data
  2. Distinguish category axis from a value axis
  3. Know what a legend is
  4. Add, format, and remove a legend
  5. Change chart type
  6. Change the number format for values axes
  7. Change axis ranges or increments
  8. Distinguish between plot area and chart area
  9. Resize or move a chart
  10. Add, format, or edit data series labels
  11. Add or remove data series data points
  12. Move a legend
  13. Move or resize plot area
  14. Add, format, or remove axis titles
  15. Change a value axis from linear to logarithmic scaling
  16. Add or remove chart data series
  17. Add a trendline to a chart
  18. Plot value data on a horizontal axis
  19. Add or format a textbox to a chart
  20. Interpolate or ignore missing data
  21. Display the formula for a linear regression using a trendline
  22. Display or ignore hidden chart data
  23. Select a chart element using the Ribbon
  24. Format chart axes and series
  25. Format chart gridlines and tick marks
  26. Format text in chart elements
  27. Add secondary axes to a chart
  28. Add, format, or remove a chart title